Move to Canada from the USA?
Move to Canada Tax Calculator for you from the USA
Plan your move from the USA to Canada by estimating your take-home pay and tax obligations
US πΊπΈ to Canada π¨π¦ Tax Calculator
Compare your tax burden between the United States and Canada. Perfect for planning your move or understanding tax implications.
πΊπΈ Washington
United States
Gross Income$75,000
Federal Tax$11,808
State Tax$3,750
Total Tax$15,558
Take-Home Pay
Effective Tax Rate: 20.7%
π¨π¦ Ontario
Gross IncomeCA$101,250
Federal TaxCA$17,822
Provincial TaxCA$5,113
Total TaxCA$22,935
Take-Home Pay
Effective Tax Rate: 22.7%
Tax Comparison Summary
Comparing Washington (US) with Ontario (Canada)
You'll pay more tax in Ontario
The difference is $1,431 USD more per year
Washington Effective Rate
Ontario Effective Rate